Nicholusa Ludwig Zinzendorf

I have but one passion- It is He, it is He alone. The world is the field, and the field is the world; henceforth that country shall be my home where I can be most used in winning souls for Christ. -Nicholusa Ludwig Zinzendorf-

Wednesday, September 7, 2011

Getting a Head Start

I thought I would document my first cultural experience while here in Richmond, VA. Some wonderful friends I have been blessed to meet, Bob and Susan Morris, decided to teach a few of us how to make steamed bread and biltong (kind of like beef jerky). I was so excited about this until the jerky apparently tasted like Tide (we had to hang the meat to dry 4 days over our washing machine.) I ended up not tasting the biltong. I relied on a few of the men's reactions to come to the conclusion that I need more practice in this area. I know how much I love beef jerky, and so do my Dad and brother, so I see myself trying again in the near future.

Among practicing my culinary skills, I have also been practicing the proficiency of chicken killing. The pictures below are of our chicken killing extravaganza that took place last Sunday. I, with the help of others, successfully killed a chicken, watched it flop around headless for a bit, plucked its feathers after dunking it in hot water, cleaned its insides out, and de-skinned it. All the biology dissections in high school were nothing compared to this experience! I have to admit that I did not think I could go through with it. The truth is that in less than a month I might be doing the same thing but completely by myself. Scary thought! I also realized that I was more nervous about cooking this chicken (those of you who know me know I don't cook) then actually taking this poor chicken’s life. Oh, the things I have learned even before going overseas. Enjoy the pictures and I hope there is more to come!

Receiving instructions from Bob.

a headless chicken
