Nicholusa Ludwig Zinzendorf

I have but one passion- It is He, it is He alone. The world is the field, and the field is the world; henceforth that country shall be my home where I can be most used in winning souls for Christ. -Nicholusa Ludwig Zinzendorf-

Saturday, December 1, 2012

Painting it Red

Me with my fellow weaver
Perfect Day=West African craft show + cotton candy!
African to love 'em!
Escarpment Time!

African What?!?!

This is probably not the best name for a music video but what do you expect coming out of Nigeria?  This really has to be one of the most ridiculous songs I have ever heard but yet I can’t help but dance to it when I hear it.  I predict that in a few years it will take the place of the Electric Slide and Cupid Shuffle at wedding receptions.


During a weekend vacation we were able to travel to Sirigu, Ghana to paint some crafts and enjoy spending time together.  This area was most intriguing in that most of the houses in these villages were painted red, white and black.  This was especially exciting for me since they were all N.C. State colors!  The area that we stayed was called SWOPA which stand for Sirigu Women Organization for Pottery and Art.  It was founded to improve situation for women in the community.  This way woman can help support their families as well and strengthen their position in the community.

As seen in the pictures below there are many motifs in Sirigu painting.  They are usually abstract geometric stylized animal figures and objects.  The coloring materials are from local minerals.  The black symbolizes power, red is the sign of danger, and white is the sign of purity.  The animal figures usually include cows, python, and crocodiles.  Cows are the symbol of wealth, python represents the clan and the crocodile for protection.  Enjoy the photos below and if you are ever in the Upper East region of Ghana then check out the Sirigu Village!

Saturday, August 25, 2012

Gangsta's Paradise

Here are just some of the photos that make me laugh about Fulani culture.  They want people to see them as being a serious people group.  This has a lot to do with the pride of being a “Pullo.”  Therefore, rarely do you see people laugh in photos and that happens only when I can be quick on the trigger and catch some candid shots.  Of course they tell me to erase all of the pictures of them laughing!  Enjoy!

Clash of Cultures

So lately during my leisure reading time I have been reading a book on art theory.  I usually read about 30 minutes or so before going to bed.  This week while out in the bush I my friend Tokka visited me and saw my facial expression change as I was reading a sentence about a Van Gogh painting that was sold for 53.9 million dollars.  She was of course was curious about what I was reading so she inquired.  I don’t think I will ever have enough Fulfulde to explain the subjunctive view of art, let alone art theory.  I told her it was something that people make and then put in their houses to look at.  The next day she pointed towards her wall that had 4 plastic covers from cell phones and said, “art, like this?”  I sat there trying to comprehend my view of art verses hers.  Is Van Gogh’s “Irises” comparable to things that we consider trash?  Well, to the Fulani it is.  I am really tempted to show them a Jackson Pollock and see what they have to say about that!  Anyways from my experience in Niger, my interpretation of “art” has definitely been stretched!

Tuesday, July 17, 2012

A Glimpse into My Life

'H' with the camel that the chief purchased now that planting season is upon us
Beautiful little girl who has finally warmed up to the "anasara"
My friends in a nearby compound where Olivia and Anna currently share the stories
Me with my large Fulani necklace that I purchased at market.  Probably one of my favorite things thus far!


Looking at my personal calendar a few weeks ago, I noticed that Ramadan is scheduled for July 20th at sunset with the appearance of the new moon.   Ramadan is the ninth month on the Islamic lunar calendar.   According to Guests of the Sheik, which takes place in Iraq, “The mullahs (Muslim religious leaders) in the holy shrines…watch the sky for several days, and when the chief mullah announces that he has indeed seen the crescent moon, however briefly, the beginning of the month is officially declared from the minarets of the mosques.  The news travels quickly by radio, by taxi and horseback throughout the surrounding countryside.” 

Islam teaches that the Qur’an was first revealed to Mohammed during the month of Ramadan.  During this time, there is much fasting; from sunup to sundown they eat and drink nothing, not even swallowing their own spit.  Many devote themselves more fully to the practices of Islam such as offering up more prayers to Allah, reading more of the Qur’an, showing more kindness to one another and increasing their almsgiving.  This month set aside for fasting is designed to generate self-restraint.  “O ye who believe! Fasting is prescribed to you as was prescribed to those before you that ye may (learn) self-restraint (Surah 2:183).” (Understanding my Muslim People)

There is one special night called the “Night of Power”.  Muslims are taught to pray as much as possible during this night, for it is extremely commendable.  Islam teaches that this night hundreds of years ago was when Mohammed received his first revelation from Allah.  One the day that the fast ends, Muslims hold a “Breaking the Fast” celebration.  Sweets are prepared and new clothes purchased.  A time of dancing and singing occurs.  I asked many of my friends in the bush about the arrival of Ramadan and you could see the excitement on their faces.  Of course, this broke my heart, seeing how excited they are about something that is so far from the Truth.  It is so sad to think that some of them will never experience true Love and Peace. 

Please lift up my friends in ‘B’ and the surrounding areas as Ramadan is coming.  Pray that they would be discontent with the practices and rituals of Islam and that they would realize their hopelessness.  Ask the Lord of the harvest to direct their eyes to Him and the sacrifice of Christ.  May we trust fully in the Lord to work mightily during the month of Ramadan all across the globe!

“But he was pierced for our transgressions, he was crushed for our iniquities; the punishment that brought us peace was upon him, and by his wounds we are healed. We all, like sheep, have gone astray, each of us has turned to his own way; and the Lord has laid on him the iniquity of us all.  He was oppressed and afflicted, yet he did not open his mouth; he was led like a lamb to the slaughter, and as a sheep before her shearers is silent, so he did not open his mouth.”
Isaiah 53: 5-7