Nicholusa Ludwig Zinzendorf

I have but one passion- It is He, it is He alone. The world is the field, and the field is the world; henceforth that country shall be my home where I can be most used in winning souls for Christ. -Nicholusa Ludwig Zinzendorf-

Saturday, December 1, 2012


During a weekend vacation we were able to travel to Sirigu, Ghana to paint some crafts and enjoy spending time together.  This area was most intriguing in that most of the houses in these villages were painted red, white and black.  This was especially exciting for me since they were all N.C. State colors!  The area that we stayed was called SWOPA which stand for Sirigu Women Organization for Pottery and Art.  It was founded to improve situation for women in the community.  This way woman can help support their families as well and strengthen their position in the community.

As seen in the pictures below there are many motifs in Sirigu painting.  They are usually abstract geometric stylized animal figures and objects.  The coloring materials are from local minerals.  The black symbolizes power, red is the sign of danger, and white is the sign of purity.  The animal figures usually include cows, python, and crocodiles.  Cows are the symbol of wealth, python represents the clan and the crocodile for protection.  Enjoy the photos below and if you are ever in the Upper East region of Ghana then check out the Sirigu Village!

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